Can online gut directed hypnotherapy (GDH) help IBS?
Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), specifically gut directed hypnotherapy, can offer people a real solution and help them live a life free from IBS symptoms. IBS is a condition characterised by symptoms including bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhoea and/or constipation as well as psychosocial symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
What causes IBS?
While we still don’t know exactly what causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), research suggests that psychological factors play an important part in its onset, how severe symptoms are experienced and for how long. One widely held theory is that IBS is caused by a miscommunication between the gut and brain. When messages between the brain and gut are disrupted, hypersensitivity and hyper reactivity within the digestive tract results. This leads to pain, bloating, excess gas and bowel changes which causes the gut to be more sensitive to certain foods. Living with these symptoms often causes some level of stress and anxiety which further intensifies and prolongs the problem.
What is Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy (GDH)
One of the most effective ways to target this miscommunication, and calm the digestive system down in order to reduce symptoms and gain more control, is a specific type of treatment called gut-directed or gut-focused hypnotherapy (sometimes referred to as gut directed hypnosis or IBS hypnotherapy). Gut Directed Hypnosis (GDH) has been shown to be effective in improving the quality of life for people with IBS. The term GDH was created in the 1980’s by Professor Peter Whorwell, a gastroenterologist and hypnotherapy advocate, after it was found to improve gastrointestinal symptoms as well as psycho-social symptoms of IBS. It is a specific form of hypnotherapy developed for IBS using therapeutic qualities of hypnotherapy while adding gut specific treatments and suggestions. This form of hypnotherapy is designed to treat all symptoms of IBS.
Is Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy effective for IBS?
There is recently published good quality research evidence indicating that gut directed hypnotherapy for IBS is associated with positive outcomes. Studies show that between 70 -95% of those who complete a course of gut directed hypnotherapy benefit from a dramatic reduction in all IBS symptoms, with indications that beneficial effects last at least 5 years. The therapeutic effect of hypnotherapy in the treatment of IBS symptoms is significant and has been found to be superior in the short-term to that of a waiting list control, or usual medical management, for patients who fail standard medical therapy. Infact, gut-directed hypnotherapy is so effective it is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for the treatment of IBS, if diet, medication and lifestyle changes have been unsuccessful.
Online hypnotherapy for IBS
In the comfort and convenience of your own home, I offer individualised online IBS hypnotherapy for people wishing to restore regular gut brain communication and bring relief from IBS symptoms. IBS Hypnotherapy can help to:
- Reduce the sensitivity of the digestive system making it less likely to over-react and cause symptoms.
- Reduce severity and frequency of physical symptoms such as pain, bloating and urgency and regain a more regular bowel habit.
- Reduce stress and anxiety about your symptoms. • Give you the time, opportunity and support to find the right approach for your health. • Give you tools to use in everyday life to help you feel more in control.
- Help you feel more confident in managing your condition.
I offer a discounted 6-week course of individually tailored gut directed hypnotherapy to clients all over the world. Please get in touch to find out more or to book a free consultation by calling 07926 377827.